onDot Features
1 Flexible Document Acquisition You can easily upload:-
  • Single documents
  • Multiple Documents
  • Bulk Upload (Folder Upload)
  • These documents can be uploaded through HTTP/FTP or Email.
2 Custom Indexing Every document has a basic document type. Additional document types can be defined for every domain. Every document type can have any number of custom indices. These indices can be defined by the user and then specified for every document uploaded. You can define indices for single document, multiple documents or bulk folders. The documents can be filtered/searched on the basis of their index values.
3 Efficient Storage management The documents can be stored in folders and sub-folders for hierarchical storage. The user can create his custom folders in addition to the folders provided to him. System folders can be defined by the Administrator for every role. This folder structure will then be available by default to every user or that role.
4 Strong Annotation support The user can add text notes to any document being viewed by him. He can also view the notes to the document added by a previous user. The user can attach reference files, similar to the email, to the notes added by him and can see the files attached by previous users. The user can browse through the notes/comments without opening the entire document.
5 Easy Document viewing The user can easily view the document through Platform independent online viewer. Document info like author, creation date, version no, notes attached etc. visible during the document view Can view multi-page documents. Facility to go to next, previous, first/last, or a specific page.
6 Powerful Search/Filter functions The documents can be searched / filtered as per their · Names · Authors · Creation date · Document types · Index values · Notes/comments
7 2-level Workflow A 2-level workflow is available to manage the routing of documents.
  • Document Channeling (level 1) This flow is set from a role to other role. Complete inter role routing of documents can be designed by setting the document channels within a domain. The documents can be forwarded by users to the other users as per the roles defined in the document channels. These routes also have various reason/action events. I.e. A role can forward the document to the other role for multiple reasons resulting in relevant actions.
  • Document Flow (level 2) This flow is set for the routing of documents internally within the user space. The flow rules allow the user to move the document within his system folders. I.e. The user can move the documents from his inbox to only the folders defined by the Document Flow Rules.
8 Complete Document Audit Trail A complete history of every document is maintained at every stage detailing the flow of the document, time spent at each stage etc.
9 Statistics There are two sets of statistics maintained. i) A per user quantifying the no of documents received, processed and forwarded by him every day. The time wise break-up detailing the statistics of the time spent by the user on every document is also recorded. ii) A per document record of the time spent by various users in viewing the document is minutely recorded. These statistics can form the basis of analysis, billing and inputs to payment modules.
10 User management onDot provides a robust user management module covering a wide spectrum. The UM has : i) Hierarchical role definitions to adapt to your enterprise structure ii) Relation definition to define roles related to each other and working in an assignment.
11 Messaging sub-system onDot has a messaging system internal to the system. This messaging system has all the features of a standard email client. The system however is available only to the valid users of the documentation system.
12 Email notification onDot has an email notification system that notifies the concerned users and the administrator on events like addition of documents, archiving, closing of documents etc. including weekly stats reports to the concerned authorities
Features Implementation Benefits Commitment
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